Monday, July 29, 2019


In all of the research I've done on the ballet world before I started, I remember reading that if the instructor singles you out in class and corrects you that that's actually a good thing! That means she's noticing you and cares enough about your dancing to make corrections. So, when Bobbie made corrections to my posture, toe point, and arms, I graciously accepted it! I felt honored even!

Last week, I came home from my lesson and was feeling pretty defeated. I got no corrections and I felt like I was just bumbling about with no direction. I decided that I was going to be better this week for my lesson so I watched a ton of videos on YouTube and figured out how to do that waltz step across the floor and I practiced my pirouettes so they wouldn't be so flaily. I was ready to start today's lesson with a bit more knowledge and skill in my ballet arsenal.

Before we began at the barre, we were introduced to an older lady who was there for a trial. She is a ballet noob like me so I instantly felt like there was one other kindred spirit struggling through this class with me.

Barrez - Progress! I was so much better at the barre today! I still had to have a more experienced dancer switch with me so she was always in the front but I was surprised that I was able to look away from her at moments to focus on port de bras and where my head was looking. I also somehow chose one of the barres that didn't have an additional lower barre on it so when it was time to do leg stretches, I really had to stretch since my leg was higher up on the bar. But it felt good. I was finally able to keep up with everyone during barre and I feel like a boss!

Centerz - This involved arabesques, tendus, and pirouettes. Although I was much better than last week, my technique is still garbage. Bobbie came over to correct my posture. I have excellent posture but it's just not ballet posture! The way she positioned me made me feel like I was about to tip forward. It felt wrong but she assured me it was right. She also made some corrections to my turnout (or what little turnout I have). Finally, she stopped the class so she could ask me about my pliés. Since I have plates and screws in my left ankle, it's really difficult for me to get a proper bend in the knee/ankle on that side so when I do a plié, it's a bit lopsided. She understands that my injury is preventing me from demonstrating proper form but she attempted to fix me anyway. I appreciate that. Finally, I realized that going on relevé without a barre handy is a sure fire way to die. How is it so easy for me to balance on a thin blade on ice but I can't relevé to save my life?

Across the Floorz - Here I am thinking we were going to do that same waltz step we did last week! Silly me! We did, in fact, do a waltz step but this new version included pirouettes and step behinds and once again, I was lost. So much for studying. I'm so bad at picking up on choreography! Ugh. So now I need to find another video tutorial for this waltz step! (Fast forward to my lesson on ice with Christopher and I'm telling him about this new waltz step and he's all like "Oh this?" and he does it...perfectly...ON ICE!)

Overall, this week felt better than last but I'm still skeptical about this class. The instructor is lovely and I like the studio facilities and the people in the office. However, I will once again lament that I'm out of my element. This class is not only intimating for beginners like me but I feel like I'm not getting a good enough foundation on the basics because I'm being made to do more advanced moves before I even have a handle on the simple concepts. That poor lady that was there for the trial was so lost that, at one point, she just stood in the back and watched. I think she would have left if she didn't feel it would be rude. I would be surprised if I see her again next week. I think she was scared off and if she doesn't return, I understand. I have two more classes that are prepaid and then I will make a decision about whether or not to continue at this studio. I really want to learn but I can't learn anything if I'm in a constant state of ineptitude.

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